About Oakland Bay Jr. High

Oakland Bay Junior High serves students from the Shelton School District in 7th and 8th grades. Students have a 6-period day. Classes include math, ELA, science, history, PE, and an elective such as engineering, computer sciences, art, swimming, NJROTC, choir, band, or piano. We typically have about 600 students attending OBJH. We offer a full range of sports and clubs for students to participate in. 

Staff Directory

Name Title Email
Adams, Stacey 7th Grade Counselor [email protected]
Andersen, Ally  Life Skills [email protected]
Bigelow, Drew Instructional Coach [email protected]
Caday, Jobelle  8th ELA [email protected]
Castaneda, Isabel  Bilingual Liaison [email protected] 
Cole, Cathy PE  ccole@sheltonschools.org
Conklin, Brent 8th History bconklin@sheltonschools.org
Cox, Barbie  7th ELA [email protected]
Deyette, Jennifer  8th Math jdeyette@sheltonschools.org
Farley, Jennifer  7th Social Studies jfarley@sheltonschools.org
Gangewer, Paige  Assistant Principal pgangewer@sheltonschools.org
Gardner, Marie  SPED mgardner@sheltonschools.org
Heck, John  8th Math [email protected]
Johnston, Elizabeth  8th ELA ejohnston@sheltonschools.org
Kass, Dan  Reading dkass@sheltonschools.org
Kass, Tracy  7th Social Studies tkass@sheltonschools.org
Krause, Whitney  7th Science [email protected]
Marshall, Maryann  Principal [email protected]
McCabe, Heather  SPED hmccabe@sheltonschools.org
McCoy, Dean  8th History dmccoy@sheltonschools.org
McCoy, Michaela  8th Science mmccoy@sheltonschools.org
McGrane, Colin  7th Math cmcgrane@sheltonschools.org
Newkirk, Stephanie  7th Science snewkirk@sheltonschools.org
Nielsen, Becky 8th Counselor rneilsen@sheltonschools.org
Northington, Sherri  SPED snorthington@sheltonschools.org
Ochoa-Pierson, Toni  8th Science [email protected]
Pastor, Leo  7th Math lpastor@sheltonschools.org
Perigo, Kristey  8th Math kperigo@sheltonschools.org
Pingel, Kristen  Dean of Students kpingel@sheltonschools.org
Salisbury, Chris  8th Computer csalisbury@sheltonschools.org
Sanders, Nick Band/Health nsanders@sheltonschools.org
Sells, Doug  Engineering  dsells@sheltonschools.org
Smith, Joren  7th English josmith@sheltonschools.org
Smith, Roxy  Art rsmith@sheltonschools.org
Summers, Ben  Engineering bsummers@sheltonschools.org
Yantis, April  7th ELA ayantis@sheltonschools.org