Oakland Bay Junior High serves students from the Shelton School District in 7th and 8th grades. Students have a 6-period day. Classes include math, ELA, science, history, PE, and an elective such as engineering, computer sciences, art, swimming, NJROTC, choir, band, or piano. We typically have about 600 students attending OBJH. We offer a full range of sports and clubs for students to participate in.
Staff Directory
Name |
Title |
Email |
Adams, Stacey |
7th Grade Counselor |
[email protected] |
Andersen, Ally |
Life Skills |
[email protected] |
Bigelow, Drew |
Instructional Coach |
[email protected] |
Caday, Jobelle |
8th ELA |
[email protected] |
Castaneda, Isabel |
Bilingual Liaison |
[email protected] |
Cole, Cathy |
PE |
ccole@sheltonschools.org |
Conklin, Brent |
8th History |
bconklin@sheltonschools.org |
Cox, Barbie |
7th ELA |
[email protected] |
Deyette, Jennifer |
8th Math |
jdeyette@sheltonschools.org |
Farley, Jennifer |
7th Social Studies |
jfarley@sheltonschools.org |
Gangewer, Paige |
Assistant Principal |
pgangewer@sheltonschools.org |
Gardner, Marie |
mgardner@sheltonschools.org |
Heck, John |
8th Math |
[email protected] |
Johnston, Elizabeth |
8th ELA |
ejohnston@sheltonschools.org |
Kass, Dan |
Reading |
dkass@sheltonschools.org |
Kass, Tracy |
7th Social Studies |
tkass@sheltonschools.org |
Krause, Whitney |
7th Science |
[email protected] |
Marshall, Maryann |
Principal |
[email protected] |
McCabe, Heather |
hmccabe@sheltonschools.org |
McCoy, Dean |
8th History |
dmccoy@sheltonschools.org |
McCoy, Michaela |
8th Science |
mmccoy@sheltonschools.org |
McGrane, Colin |
7th Math |
cmcgrane@sheltonschools.org |
Newkirk, Stephanie |
7th Science |
snewkirk@sheltonschools.org |
Nielsen, Becky |
8th Counselor |
rneilsen@sheltonschools.org |
Northington, Sherri |
snorthington@sheltonschools.org |
Ochoa-Pierson, Toni |
8th Science |
[email protected] |
Pastor, Leo |
7th Math |
lpastor@sheltonschools.org |
Perigo, Kristey |
8th Math |
kperigo@sheltonschools.org |
Pingel, Kristen |
Dean of Students |
kpingel@sheltonschools.org |
Salisbury, Chris |
8th Computer |
csalisbury@sheltonschools.org |
Sanders, Nick |
Band/Health |
nsanders@sheltonschools.org |
Sells, Doug |
Engineering |
dsells@sheltonschools.org |
Smith, Joren |
7th English |
josmith@sheltonschools.org |
Smith, Roxy |
Art |
rsmith@sheltonschools.org |
Summers, Ben |
Engineering |
bsummers@sheltonschools.org |
Yantis, April |
7th ELA |
ayantis@sheltonschools.org |